Two FREE Christmas Ornament Classes!
Royston Turquoise
Purchase your share now, in the October 2009 Mining Venture
$3,000.00 per share.
You may purchase only two shares.

We only have four spots left (Oct. 22, 2009) so purchase your now!

You may use any of these methods to make a payment.

Credit Cards (Master Card, Visa, Discover and American Express)

Call me at 303-517-1068.
Fax: 970-586-1838
Email it to me using two or three emails and that makes it very safe. In the first one, give me 1/2 the number and your zip code.
In the second email give me the other half of the number and expiration date. In a third email give me the name on the card and the three digit security code on the back of the card. For American Express it is the four digit number on the front of the card.

E-mail me at

Just "Send" money to

Mail checks payable to Don Norris to
Don Norris
PO Box 2433
Estes Park, CO 80517

Thanks again,
Don Norris