Two FREE Christmas Ornament Classes!
Tonopah Turquoise Mine Tour, Lapidary Class and Beginning Silversmithin Class, September 2009.

All of the turquoise on this site was found, cut, polished, and set into Sterling Silver Jewelry makde by the students in the Beginning Silversmithing Class during a four day mine tour, lapidary class and Silversmithing Class taught in Tonopah, Nevada in September 2009. More photos and stories will be added so please come back.
If you are considering investing please note that you will receive many cabs of all these colors.
The turquoise that is shown  below was found at the Royston Mines in Tonopah, Nevada. As you can see this area produces many different colors of turquoise.

Some of the best natural spiderweb turquoise is now beting mined. This material is a beautiful dark blue wth dark matrix lines.
These pieces was made by Mike. He cut two beautiful stones.
This peice was cut and made by Beverly. This peice is about 3 inches long by 2 inches wide!
Some of the other projects made from the turquoise by students for those four days. As you can see there is a wide range of colors are show  below.
The Piece below was made by Betty and show that there is also a very beautiful light blue turquoise to be found too.
This is Don Norris, here  he is all happy because he just finshed this class! He is covered my puffing dust!
This is Beverly pretending to be turquoise. You can see that she has a bag full of the good stuff.
This is group that attended the four day Mine Tour and Classes in September 2009. Dean Otteson is in the middel and Donna Otteson is standing on the left. We could not get them to stand together. Just kidding, we were lucky to get Donna in the picture at all!
This site will be under construction for a few weeks. Please come back from time to time to see the new additions and new photos.
If interested in attending a four day class please E-mail me at, or call me at 303-517-1068. The next class is scheduled for May  20, 21, 22 and 23.