To Order
1 Just email me your Visa or Master Card, it is safe, but if you like put half the number on one email and the other half on another, and even the date on another.

2. Email me you phone number and I will call you to get the number.

3. Call me at 1-303-517-1068

4. Fax me the credit card number at 1-970-577-1838.

5. Mail me a check to:
Don Norris
PO Box 2433
Estes Park, CO 80517

6. Use Paypal

Thanks again,
Don Norris

Your Purchase On Your Credit Card Statement will appear as LB Gift Shop.

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Beginning Silversmithing Class
Taught Online Via Weekly E-Mails

Please note: If you have a CD rom you really want to order the Beginning Silversmithing CD and not the Online Class. The CD is easier to use with the photos placed right in the text. It is also cheaper. Click on the button below to order it.

I also have the Advanced CD finished and you can order both at the same time for a savings of over  $25.00. Order both right now for only $120.00 and I will pay the shipping. Just click on the button below to order.